domingo, 12 de junio de 2011

The Final (MOVIE)



A teenage girl with a hood on walks into a restaurant and orders a burger. When the lady tells her that the charge is four dollars, she sets the money on the counter, revealing that she has two fingers missing on her right hand. She is told that the food will be brought out to her and she goes to the side room and sits at a table alone. A few people begin to stare at her and a young boy asks his mother "Why does that girl's face look like that? Was she in an accident?" The mother tries to quiet him and tells him to eat his food. Finally, the girl snaps and screams out in anger, bursting into tears after throwing her table over. She begins yelling how it's not her fault that her face looks like it does, that she didn't ask or choose for her looks, thus beginning the movie.

Descargar The Final:

A couple of phrases from the movie:

-we are just pawns in a nasty game of chance
-what i do to deserve this?
-I am the monster you created

feel completely identified with the plot of the movie, watch the movie and will understand...

jueves, 9 de junio de 2011


Acá les dejo un par de frases que invente (que no los copie de internet como hago siempre) /Here I give you a couple of phrases that I invented (not the copy of the internet as I always do)

We are 2 lovers separate for the destiny
But I will fight for u my dear

Te vi aquel día de tormenta
Debajo de ese árbol
Tú estabas arrepentida
Y yo estaba  tu lado

Te veo a vos
Esa noche tenebrosa
Le decís adiós
A esa relación amorosa

después si se me ocurren pongo más/ maybe later i put more phrases